Discendenti di John Paul Morrison (born John Paul Rodker)

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John Paul Morrison , nato nel 1937 - London,England (St. John's Wood?) (Vedi Note e Fonti 1)
Sposato nel 1963, Trinidad, con Brenda Marilyn Smith , nata nel 1941 - Trinidad (Vedi Note e Fonti 1-1).
Totale: 0 persone (coniugi esclusi).

Note e Fonti

Note e Fonti 1 (John Paul Morrison 1937)
PROFESSION: Computer programmer. He is the inventor/discoverer of the programming technique called "Flow-Based Programming".

Born John Paul Rodker - his name was changed to Morrison by his step-father, E.A. Morrison III, after his mother remarried.

His email address (munged) is paul dot morrison at rogers dot com
Note e Fonti 1-1 (Brenda Marilyn Smith 1941)
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