Pēcteči -> Edward Solecki

Līdz . paaudzei.

Sakatīt : Pēcteči | Piezīme(s) un Avoti (pirmsākums?)

Edward Solecki
attiecības ar Lilian Rodker , dzimšanas datums: 1918.gada 27.novembris - London,England, miršanas datums: 2015.gada 22.septembris miršanas vecums: 96 gadi (Sakatīt Piezīme(s) un Avoti (pirmsākums?) 1-1).
Kopā: 0 persona(s) (laulātie nav ietverti).

Piezīme(s) un Avoti (pirmsākums?)

Piezīme(s) un Avoti (pirmsākums?) 1-1 (Lilian Rodker 1918-2015)
BIRTH: Diary: Mary had a daughter on the 27th of Nov.1918, on Wed night at 10.45, the 23th day of Kislev month
Named LEA "with luck". (Lilian) Eve of Hannukkah 5679
Lilian says she was told she was the 7th child of a 7th child - that would mean that Isaac was a 7th child, so we're missing one or more of his siblings.

She had to give up her second son for adoption, but never gave up hope of finding him again. They were reunited in Spring 2003.
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