Potomci od Simma Grunlen (Ray)

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Glej : Potomci | Zapiski in Viri

Simma Grunlen , rojena - Russia, umrla [on (day month year)] 4. decembra 1922 - Buried in East Ham Cemetary.,London, (Glej Zapiski in Viri 1)
se je poročila z Samuel Rodker , rojen - Russia, umrl v oktobra 1881 - Warsaw ,Poland (Glej Zapiski in Viri 1-1).
Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).

Zapiski in Viri

Zapiski in Viri 1 (Simma Grunlen †1922)
BIOGRAPHY: Name Simma Grunlen (Doc.4 J.R)
Name Ray (Rodker) in Certificate of Naturalization (Doc.11)
Certificate of Naturalization doc.11
Other versions of name: Simha, Shimma, Simcha.
Simma's husband died when her youngest child, Betsy, was 6 months old. They were very poor and she had to struggle to feed the family.
Zapiski in Viri 1-1 (Samuel Rodker †1881)
PROFESSION: "Publican - Innkeeper" (LR)
Profession on Betsy Rodker's Marriage certificate:House agent
Profession on David Rodker's Marriage certificate: Woollen Dyer

BIOGRAPHY: Name Sid Document 4 (JR)
Name Simon Document 19 (Wedding Certificate)
Document 4

The family has always said that he had 10 children, but there is some doubt about their names.

See also "The Rodker Family and the Great Migration" by Patrick Monson
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