Discendenti di Harry Chapman

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Harry Chapman , deceduto (DIANAS WEDDING DAY) (Vedi Note e Fonti 1)
Sposato nel 1953, Stratford Registry Office, con Zipporah Eva Rodker , nata il 17 marzo 1913 - Bishop's Rd. Cambridge, England, deceduta il 1º giugno 2004 all'età di 91 anni , sepolta il 3 giugno 2004 - East Ham Cemetery (Vedi Note e Fonti 1-1).
Totale: 0 persone (coniugi esclusi).

Note e Fonti

Note e Fonti 1 (Harry Chapman )
PROFESSION: Railway Guard, later the Caretaker of West Sea Synagoge,London.

RELIGION: Protestant
Note e Fonti 1-1 (Zipporah Eva Rodker 1913-2004)
BIRTH: 9th of the second Adar month, half past nine at night. (diary)

PROFESSION: Working in Regent Park Hotel as waitress and was called Stella
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