Potomci od Ettie Rodker

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Glej : Potomci | Zapiski in Viri

Ettie Rodker , rojena v letu 1879 - Warsaw, umrla (Glej Zapiski in Viri 1)
v letu 1901, Mile End Old Town, se je poročila z Harry Shor (Glej Zapiski in Viri 1-1).
Skupaj: 0 oseb (brez mož/žena).

Zapiski in Viri

Zapiski in Viri 1 (Ettie Rodker 1879-)
Worked in an umbrella workshop in Poland at age of 4
WEDDING: Doc.13 Wedding March 1901
Zapiski in Viri 1-1 (Harry Shor )
Joan she says she heard they took their name from Shoreditch (in London).
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