Discendenti di Rosie Shor

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Fighjà : Discendenti | Note è Fonte

Rosie Shor , nata di di dicembre 1907 (Fighjà Note è Fonte 1)
Maritata cù Laurence x . Maritata cù Johnny Monnick .
Tutale: 0 persone (cumpagni esclusi).

Note è Fonte

Note è Fonte 1 (Rosie Shor 1907)
Most of the Rodkers were in the corset business. Ettie probably was as well because Rosie had Shors Corset Shop in Church Street, Stoke Newington.
There was a difficult situation that arose between Rosie and her sister Lily. Both were married, Rosie to a man called Laurence who had a bag shop. Lily was also married but she began to have an affair with Rosie's husband. Lily's ex later committed suicide. Rosie did eventually remarry, apparently to a very nice man.
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