Afkomendur Phyllis Rind

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Sjá : Afkomendur | Athugasemdum og Heimildir

Phyllis Rind , fædd(ur)   9 júní 1917 - London, England, dó   30 ágúst 2011 dánaraldur 94 ára
Giftist   6 janúar 1946, St John Wood United Synagogue, London, England, John Rose , fædd(ur)   17 nóvember 1913 - London, England, dó   19 september 1991 - London, England dánaraldur 77 ára (Sjá Athugasemdum og Heimildir 1-1).
Alls: 0 einstaklingar (undanskildir makar).

Athugasemdum og Heimildir

Athugasemdum og Heimildir 1-1 (John Rose 1913-1991)
John was born Joshua Rosdensky but changed his name by deed poll to John Rose date unknown.

He went to Deal Street school from 5 to 11. He passed his 11+ and went to JFS. He really enjoyed studying maths and even went to the public library to get out books on mathematics. He was forced to leave school at the age of 15 as his father was very ill and he was needed to bring in extra money into the house.

He first worked as a furrier for Julie burns' mother but he did not like it. He then got a job in a solicitors office in the city. He walked there and back in order to save a penny bus fare. He loved the city and knew it inside out. Nanny used to put hot baked potatoes in his pockets to keep him warm but he felt embarrased because colleagues in the office could smell them and he asked her not to do it anymore!

Later he got a job with De Havilland and stayed working in the aircraft industry for the rest of his working life.

He loved walking with Maurie Coburn.

Took an A level in accounts

interested in astronomy

Loved buying and selling shares

Latterly he joined a choir and enjoyed singing.

He died from a heart attack after Yom Kippur at his daughter's house after breaking the fast.
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