Mary Franeis Butts

  • Născută la 13. decembrie 1890 - Lilliput, Poole, Dorset, England
  • A decedat la 5. martie 1937 , etate la deces 46 ani


Casatorii si copii


Frederick John Butts †1905   Mary Jane Briggs
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Mary Franeis Butts 1890-1937


  • Mary Franeis Butts 1890-1937
  • Anthony Bacon Drury Butts 1901-1941


PROFESSION: Writer, doc.10
Mary Butts Papers doc 10
Middle name probably Frances, but used to claim it was "Franies", perhaps because it was misspelled that a way on a cornerstone she laid.
A biography has recently appeared: "Mary Butts: Scenes from the Life: A Biography", by Nathalie Blondel.
Great-granddaughter of Thomas Butts, patron and friend of William Blake.