Died on 26 February 1939 - London, England , age at death: 57 years old
Simon Rind
Phoebe x
Spouses and children
Married on 6 August 1903, New Road Synagogue, Whitechapel, London, England, to Betsy Rodker 1881-1971, with
Joe Rind 1904-ca 2003
Frank Rind 1909-1968
Harry Cecil Rind 1915-1999
Phyllis Rind 1917-2011
x Rind
x x
Simon Rind
Phoebe x
Aaron Rind 1881-1939
Aaron Rind 1881-1939
Jack Rind †
Lilly Rind †
Becky Rind 1882-1968
Hebrew Name Aaron Bat Shimon
address on his Marriage Certificate:14 Albert Square Ralcliffe
Profession on his marriage certificate:Upholsterer (Journeyman)
Profession on his death cert. :Corset Retailer
Was living at 46a Clapton Common at time of death
Died of cardiac failure