Descendants of Frank Rind

up to the 12th generation

 0━┳ Frank Rind 1909-1968 & Sylvia Kahan
   ┣━1─┬ Barbara Rind &1970 Roger Maister 1939
   ┃   ├─1━┳ Frank Maister 1971 & Caryn Solway
   ┃   │   ┣━1── Hannah Maister
   ┃   │   ┗━2── Chloe Maister
   ┃   ├─2━┳ Leslie Maister 1973 & Lisa Nathanson
   ┃   │   ┣━1━━ Maximillian Maister
   ┃   │   ┗━2── Sienna Maister
   ┃   └─3━━ Dominic Maister 1976 & Jeanette Leeds 1976
   ┗━2━━ Alan Rind 1941

Total: 9 descendants (15 individuals with spouses)