Bill Rodker

Sosa: 1


Casamentos e filhos


Samuel Rodker †1881   Simma Grunlen †1922   Hyman Smithson 1858-1921   Devorah x 1868-1937
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Isaac Rodker 1877-1943   Mary Smithson 1887-1945
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Bill Rodker 1926-2002

  Irmãos e irmãs


Personal Data Sheet
Demobbed from the Army in November 1946. Married Mum in November 1951 (aged 29). Lived at 14 Alwyne Square, Highbury until 1952, then moved to 12 Hatfield Road, Finsbury Park. In 1953 Mum & Dad moved to 131 Georges Road, a small house off the Caledonian Road.
Two days after being released from hospital, on his 72nd birthday, Dad, Mum, Paul and his partner Edie came to visit us, on their way to a caravan holiday in New Milton. Dad looked fit and well after his ordeal and looked forward to life. Sharon, Vikki and I followed them down to the caravan and spent an enjoyable afternoon with them. We arranged to meet them on Wednesday night and bring Mum & Dad back with us on Thursday morning to stay with us over Easter.

December 1946 - aged 24 - Dad took a job as a Christmas Temp. He turned down the offer of a permanent post. January 1947. Dad got his first permanent job at Cooksley & Co, an engineering firm, as a packer. This lasted about a year after which he joined a firm run by a relative. This job dealt with spectacles and lasted about a year. In 1949 Dad applied for and obtained an ex-serviceman's place in South East Essex Technical College in Barking, Learning to be a pastry cook. After the course finished, Dad then obtained a job with Express Dairies in their Confectionary Department. In this job he learnt most of the decorating side of cookery. This job lasted until 1951 (aged 29). Dad then decided to go jobbing to increase his knowledge.

1952 The start of several permanent jobs in the baking trade.
1957 Started as a milkman with Express Dairies.
1958 Became a Rota Foreman.
1966. Transferred to Express Dairies at Bushey. Six months later (age 44) he became a rota foreman in charge of six rounds, eventually becoming second in command at the Depot. This meant that Dad filled in for every job that became vacant, from opening the Depot at 0400 hrs and getting the floats ready and milk in position, to going out on any round where the milkman failed to turn up.

During September 1997, Dad started to get ill. He was admitted to Watford General Hospital on 28 October and was released on 18 December. During this time he had surgery to remove a blood clot from in his right leg, and major surgery to remove his large intestine. Due to the blood clot in the leg, blood did not flow to the foot and some of the toes had to be removed.

On 17 March 1998 Dad went back into hospital, and the following day had an operation to remove the dead tissue on the end of two toes. He should have been released within 10 days, but suffered side effects from the drugs being used. He also got an infection so was moved Flauden Ward to a side room on Herronsgate Ward as a precaution. Dad was released from hospital on Thursday 2 April 1998.

Dad was admitted to Watford General Hospital on Thursday 14 March 2002. On Friday an operation was performed to remove the gall bladder. He remained in ICU from then until he died on 3 Apr. One day away from his 76th birthday.

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