![]() This chapter has been excerpted from the book "Flow-Based Programming: A New Approach to Application Development" (van Nostrand Reinhold, 1994), by J.Paul Morrison. A second edition (2010) is now available from CreateSpace eStore and Amazon.com. The 2nd edition is also available in e-book format from Kindle (Kindle format) and Lulu (epub format). To find out more about FBP, click on FBP.
For definitions of FBP terms, see Glossary.
Material from book starts here:
So far, we have talked about processes running asynchronously, but have not discussed how FBP software manages this feat. This is a key concept in FBP and we need to understand it thoroughly if we are to design reliable structures, and debug them once they have been built! Although this subject may appear somewhat forbidding, you will need to grasp it thoroughly to understand how this kind of software works. After a bit it will recede into the background, and you will only need to work through it consciously when you are doing something complex or something unexpected happens. Of course you are at liberty to skip this chapter, but, if you do, you will probably find some of the later chapters a little obscure!
Let us start by looking at the following component pseudo-code (from a previous chapter):
receive from IN using a
do while receive has not reached end of data
if c is true
send a to OUT
drop a
receive from IN using a
You will be able to see that the job of this component is to receive a stream of IPs and either send them on or destroy them, depending on some criterion. As we said above, this code must be run as a separate process in our application. We will use the term "component" when talking about the code; "process" when talking about a particular use of that code.
Before, we were looking at processes and components strictly from a functional point of view. Now instead let's look at a component as a piece of code. Clearly it is well-structured: it has a single entry point and a single exit (after the "enddo"). Once it gains control, it performs logic and calls subroutines until its input stream is exhausted ("end of data" on IN). It is therefore a well-formed subroutine. Subroutines have to be called by another routine (or by the environment), and at a particular point in time. So.... what calls our Selector component, and when? The what is easy: the Selector component is called by the software which implements FBP, usually referred to as the "scheduler". The when is somewhat more complicated: the answer is that a component is called as soon as possible after a data IP arrives at one of its input ports, or just as soon as possible if there are no input ports.
"As soon as possible" means that we do not guarantee that a process will start as soon as there is data for it to work on - the CPU may be busy doing other things. Normally this isn't a problem - we want to be sure that our process has data to work on, not the reverse! If we really needed very high responsiveness, we would have to add a priority scheme to our FBP software. So far, the only implementation of the FBP concepts that I am aware of that implemented such a priority scheme was a system written in Japan to control railway electric substations (Suzuki et al. 1985). This software built on the concepts described in my Systems Journal article, and extended it to provide shared high-performance facilities. None of the implementations I have been involved with have needed this kind of facility.
The other possible start condition is what one would expect if the process has no input connections. In this case, one expects the process to be "self-starting". Another way of looking at this is that a process with at least one input connection is delayed until the first data IP arrives. If there are no input connections, the process is not delayed. Again, the process will start some time after program start time when the CPU is available.
Note that THREADS Initial Information Packets (IIPs) do not count as input connections for the purposes of process scheduling - when a process starts is determined by the presence or absence of connections with upstream processes. IIPs are purely passive, and are only "noticed" by the process when it does a receive on an IIP port element.
Now we have started our process - this is called "activation", and the process is said to be "active". When it gives up control, by executing its "end" statement, or by explicitly doing a RETURN, GOBACK, or the equivalent, it "deactivates", and its state becomes "inactive".
Now remember that our component kept control by looping until end of data. Now suppose our component doesn't loop back, but instead just deactivates once an IP has been processed. The resulting pseudo-code might look like this:
receive from IN using a
if c is true
send a to OUT
drop a
We talked about this kind of component in Chapter 9. They are called "non-loopers". The logic of non-loopers behaves a little differently from the preceding version - instead of going back to receive another IP, it ends (deactivates) after the "endif". A consequence of this is that the process's working storage only exists from activation to deactivation. This means that it cannot carry ongoing data values across multiple IPs, but, as we saw in Chapter 9, the stack can be used for this purpose. A non-looper becomes "inactive" after each IP.
What happens now if another data IP arrives at the process's input
port? The process is activated again to process the incoming IP, and
this will
keep happening until the input data stream is exhausted. The process is
activated as many times as there are input IPs. The decision as to when
to deactivate is made within the logic of the component - it is quite
to have a "partial looper" which decides to deactivate itself after
five IPs, for example, or on recognizing a particular type of IP. This
characteristic of a component is referred to as its "periodicity".
Let us consider an inactive (or not yet initiated) process with two input ports: data arrives at one of the ports, so the process is activated. The process in question had better do a receive of the activating IP before deactivating - otherwise it will just be reactivated. As long as it does not consume the IP, this will keep happening! If, during testing, your program just hangs, this may be what is going on - of course, it's easy enough to detect once you switch tracing on, as you will see something like this:
Process_A Activated
Process_A Deactivated with retcode ...
Process_A Activated
Process_A Deactivated with retcode ...
Process_A Activated
Process_A Deactivated with retcode ...
Process_A Activated
and so on indefinitely!
Our group discussed the possibility of putting checks into the scheduling logic to detect this kind of thing, but we never reached a consensus on what to do about it, because there are situations where this may be desirable behaviour - as long as the activating IP does get consumed eventually. We did, however, coin a really horrible piece of jargon: such a component might be called a "pathological non-depleter" (you figure it out)! And besides, it's really not that hard to debug...
Returning to IIPs, we have said that in THREADS processes read in IIPs by doing a receive on their port. If they do a receive again from the same port within the lifetime of the process, they get an "end of data" indication. This means that a component can receive an IIP exactly once during the lifetime of the process (from invocation to termination). If a component needs to hold onto the IIP across multiple activations, it can use the stack (described in Concepts) to hold the IIP, either in the original form in which it was received or in a processed form.
So far, we have introduced two basic process states: "active" and "inactive". We now need terms for the very first activation and the very last deactivation of a process: these are called "initiation" and "termination", respectively. Before initiation, the process doesn't really exist yet for the FBP software, so initiation is important as the scheduler has to perform various kinds of initialization logic. Termination is important because the scheduler must know enough not to activate the process again. Termination of a process also affects all of its downstream processes, as this determines whether they in turn are terminated (a process only terminates when all of its upstream processes have terminated).
Processes may thus be thought of as simple machines which can be in one of a small number of different "run states". The four main run states are the ones we have just described:
not yet initiated
"Not yet initiated" is self-explanatory - it means that the process has never received control. All processes start off in this state at the beginning of a job step or transaction.
"Terminated" means that the process will never receive control again. This can only happen if all of a process's upstream connections have been closed - each of the input connections of a process can be closed explicitly by that process, or it will be closed automatically if all of the processes feeding it have terminated.
The underlying idea here is that a process only becomes terminated if it can never be activated again. It can never be activated again if there is nowhere for more data IPs to come from. Note that, while a component's logic decides when to deactivate, termination is controlled by factors outside of the process. There is one exception to this, however: a component can decide not to be reactivated again, e.g. as a result of some error condition. It does this in both DFDM and THREADS by returning a particular return code value (or higher) to the scheduler. [This has not been implemented in JavaFBP or C#FBP.] Earlier versions of FBP allowed one component to bring down the whole network, but in recent years we felt that this was not conceptually sound (parts of the network could be on different computers), so now a process can only terminate itself - no process can terminate another. There is a different way that a component can decide to terminate itself, and that is by closing its input ports. Some processes don't have input ports, but, for those that do, this has the same effect as terminating with a high return code.
A simple example will show why this needed: suppose you have a Reader process which is reading a file of a few million records, and a downstream process crashes: under normal FBP rules, the Reader keeps reading all the records, and sending them to its output port. As each send finds the output port closed, the Reader has to drop the undeliverable IP. So it has to read all the records, requiring a few million each of "create", "send" and "drop". Instead, it is much better to bring the Reader down as quickly as possible, so it can stop tying up time and resources. Readers are therefore normally coded so that, the first time they find the output port closed, they just deactivate with a high return code. This takes care of any necessary housekeeping, and eventually the whole network can close down. By the way, this practice makes sense for all components, not just long-running ones - it is good programming style for components always to test for unsuccessful sends. If this condition is detected, they must decide whether to continue executing, or whether to just close down - this usually depends on whether the output port is related to the main function of the component, or whether it is optional.
When all the processes in a network have terminated, the network itself terminates. Now, it is possible for one process to block another process so that the network as a whole cannot come down gracefully. This is called a "deadlock" in FBP and is described in some detail in a later chapter. This is however a design problem, and can always be prevented by proper design. If the network is properly designed, it will terminate normally when all of its processes have terminated, and all resources will then be freed up.
In Chapter 7, we talked about various kinds of composite components. DFDM's dynamic subnets and the composite components of FPE had the ability to revive terminated processes. In that chapter we explained why this ability is necessary, and we shall run into it again in Chapter 20, when we talk about Checkpointing. Revived processes essentially go from the "terminated" state back to the "not yet initiated" state.
If we had a separate CPU for each process, the above-mentioned four states would be enough, although a component waiting to send to a full connection, waiting to receive from an empty one, or waiting on an external event, would have to spin waiting for the desired condition. To avoid this, we have introduced a suspended state, so we can split the active state into "normal" and "suspended", resulting in five states:
not yet initiated
active normal
active suspended
At this point I would like to stress the point that a given process can only be in one of these states at a time, and, when suspended, a process can only be waiting for a single event. While you will occasionally feel that this is too much of a restriction, we deliberately made this decision in order to make an FBP system easier to visualize and work with. At various times in the development of FBP systems, we were tempted to allow a process to wait on more than one event at a time, but we always found a way round it, and never needed to add this ability to our model. Suppose you want to have a process, P, which will be triggered by a timer click or by an IP arriving at an input port, whichever comes first: the rule about processes having a single state suggests that you might need two processes, one waiting on each event type. One possible solution, however, is to have one process send out an IP on each timer click, and then merge its output stream with the IPs arriving from another source, resulting in a single stream which is then fed to P. The overhead of the extra processes is outweighed in our experience by the reduction in complexity of the mental model and the consequent reduction in software complexity and improved performance. Here is a picture of the resulting network:
Figure 13.1
Up to now, we have assumed that all ports are named. Not all ports need to be known to the components they are attached to: sometimes it is desirable to be able to specify connections in the network which the processes themselves don't know about. These are especially useful for introducing timing constraints into an application without having to add logic to the components involved. In DFDM we used port 0 for various functions of this kind, but this idea has been generalized into what we call automatic ports, to reflect the idea that their functioning is not under the component's control.
Consider two processes, one writing a file and one reading it. You, the network designer, want to interlock the two components so that the reader cannot start until the writer finishes. To do this, you figure that if you connect an input port to the reader, the reader will be prevented from starting until an IP arrives on that port (by the above scheduling rules). On the other hand, readers don't usually have input ports, and if you add one, the reader will have to have some additional code to dispose of incoming IPs, looking something like this:
if DELAY port connected
receive from DELAY port
discard received IP
Similarly, you would also have to add code to the Writer at termination time to send an "I'm finished" IP to an appropriate output port.
Now, to avoid having to add seldom used code (to put out and receive these special signals) to every component in the entire system, the software should provide two optional ports for each process which the implementing component doesn't know about: an automatic input port and an automatic output port. If the automatic output port is connected, the FBP scheduler closes it at termination time.
The automatic input works like this: if there is an automatic input
port connected, process activation is delayed until an IP is received
that port, or until the port is closed. This assumes that no data
has arrived at another input port.
Here is a picture of the Writer/Reader situation:

Figure 13.2
where the solid line indicates a connection between W's automatic output port and R's automatic input port. The solid circles at each end of the line indicate automatic ports. Since W only terminates when it has written the entire file, we can use the automatic output signal to prevent the Reader from starting too early. An automatic port need not only be connected to another automatic port - it can always be connected to a regular port, or vice versa. Any IP that has been received (by the scheduler) at an automatic input port is automatically discarded (better not use any important data for this job, unless you have taken a copy)!
Here is a network where the automatic output signal gates an IP from another process. Assuming that C receives from I1 before it receives from I2, then C will not process the input at I2 until A has terminated. If we made I1 automatic, we would have essentially the same effect, except that C would not have to do a receive, but conversely, it would not have the option of processing the input at I2 first.
Figure 13.3
There is another situation which is similar to the automatic output
all output ports of a component, whether the component "knows" about
or not, will present end of data when that component terminates. This
also be used to defer events until one or more processes have
(see Chapter 20). [This was true in THREADS - this situation is not
allowed in JavaFBP or C#FBP.]
One last topic we should mention is the problem of the "null" stream: in DFDM a component receiving a null stream (a stream with no data IPs) was invoked anyway. This logic, while perhaps consistent with the regular scheduling rules, tended to increase run-time costs. In one interactive application, we found that 2/3 of all the processes were error handlers, and so should really never get fired up if no errors occurred. If they were fired up, as in the normal DFDM case, the added overhead became quite expensive - especially since most of the processes were written in HLLs, so the run-time environment of every process had to be initialized separately.
We therefore introduced [in the next implementation] the ability to change this behaviour for a whole network. But then we had the problem of Writers and Counters. Consider a Writer component writing a disk file: when it receives a null stream, you want the Writer to at least open and close its output file, resulting in an empty data set. If it doesn't do this, nothing gets changed on the disk, and another job reading that file would see the data from the previous run! Counter components which generate a count IP at end of data have a similar problem - how can they generate a count of zero if they are never invoked? So then we had to add the concept of components which are "end of stream sensitive" (components which behave differently in these two modes - most do not need to), which could in turn be overridden by a "suppress end of stream processing" indication in the network (in case you really didn't want this special logic for a particular run).... Old systems which have been in use for a number of years tend to develop layers upon layers of incrustations, rather like barnacles on a boat....
THREADS defaults the other way from DFDM, but for the cases where you want a process receiving a null stream to be activated, THREADS uses the concept of "must run at least once". This is an attribute of the component, not of the process, and means simply that the component must be activated at least once during each run of the network. So Writer and Counter components can do their thing, even when receiving a null data stream. [This seems much simpler! The Java and C# implementations also work this way.]